A book, train ride and class away.

Hi there, Today is Tuesday, October 25th, 2022. Are you guys ready for Halloween? πŸ‘» πŸŽƒ. I will be dressed up as Velma from the Scooby Doo gang.

(This happened on October 11th, a Tuesday)

A phone call awakened me, and It was my father. I haven’t been a morning person for one month now. I usually would wake up to my alarm clock, which I had set up at 6:00 am, but somehow I didn’t bother getting up. I answered the call; he asked if I had class today. I replied with a yes, and he told me to hurry up. My house to the train station is about a 25-30 minute walk. While it’s not a bad walk, it’s cold out early in the morning. ( I don’t have a car right now) My parent’s cars have been handy during these times. As I got ready, I thought of going back to bed, in my warm sheets and cover. I love a warm bed when I wake up in the morning. I’m a weak sucker for that. lol

In the car, dad and I were talking. He expressed his hunger, so we went to La Flor de Jalisco on Westchester Ave. It’s been a while since I’ve been inside. I was starving, too, to be honest. As he parked, I noticed men outside conversing with themselves and holding those disposable coffee cups with lids. Some had pastries in their hand too. As I walked inside, they just stopped and stared. I grabbed myself a large black coffee and a pastry. I was looking for a croissant πŸ₯ but they had none. We left the bakery happy as can be. I had my breakfast in my hand. I was dropped off at the train station and waited till 7:51 came. As I was seated, I took sips of my coffee and bits of my pastry. 

Subway rides.

Thoughts came to mind. One of those thoughts was on how lucky I am to be here and have the privilege to take the train into Grand Central. Here, meaning that I am alive and get to live this life. Even though at 24 I am not done with school. (My actions have caused me to this life. I shouldn’t complain. I am responsible for my own life.) You may ask yourself, why travel far to go to school? Well, my friend, I had a low GPA, and Brooklyn College was the college that accepted me. No shame. At least at this time. I’m thankful I get to attend college.

In Grand Central, I made my way to the Subway entrance and waited for my train. At this point, I knew I would be late for class. So, I started reading 101 ESSAYS that will CHANGE the way. You Think by @BriannaWiest. I have seen this book all over TikTok, so I bought it myself to read. I am a few pages in, and I like the book. It’s written well. The essays in the book make you think deep in your thoughts. As my train approached my stop, I put my book away. I made it to school. I make my way to the fifth floor. ( I took the elevator, no way I was walking that many flights of stairs.)

Book by @BriannaWiest

The class was canceled. Ah! How did I not see the email? I was annoyed, in all honestly. I could have slept in today. But, instead, I wasted my time coming down here and the cost of the train tickets. Having a morning class can cost a fortune. The peak hour cost to get to Grand Central is $13.75. (Don’t you hate when that happens?) Next thing you know, I am walking to the schools library. To make up some work that had to be done a week ago. (FYI, it’s done now.) Lots of readings were completed. I stayed there for about an hour and half. It was a good place to get work done. My goal for the school year, is complete all my class assignments. The challenge started after high school. I let myself go. In high school it was rare for me to hand in late assignments or have incomplete work.

I know I’m not the only one. Fast forward to today, and I am back in Brooklyn. Guess what? My class got canceled againβ€”same class. On the bright side, I get to eat my lunch earlier and type on here. It is midterm week for me. I had my accounting midterm yesterday; It was more complicated than I expected. My deck at home was messy and cluttered. Stressed, you can say I was. One midterm down, Three still to go. Still, a lot to cover. I’m not too fond of exams. It simply reminds me to try harder next time. Meaning I didn’t do well, as I would have liked.

Accounting Midterm.

As I write this post, I am finishing up my lunch. I plan to head back home as soon as I finish here. I am dropping off my sister’s car back in New Palz with her. That is an hour and thirty-minute drive. Finish that, come back home, eat dinner, and head to the gym. ( I joined the gym.) I leave you with today’s post. Thanks for reading!

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Bye Friends πŸ‘‹

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