Today’s Thoughts of the Day.

Hi reader. Today is Saturday, October 8th, 2022. A lot is on my mind. I have to tell you. On Wednesday, it was raining again. It’s been raining for the past three days where I am. I don’t know what it is about the rain. Every time it rains, I lose my motivation. I don’t want to leave the house unless necessary; I don’t want to type, read, or do anything productive. I rather eat and watch movies or Netflix series on my phone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my future. I will soon graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in business, but I can’t entirely say I will go into this field. I’ve been in school for years—Counting High School, Community College, and Brooklyn College. You can say I am not a typical woman. When it came to my education, I knew I wanted to get a degree. In what field, I had no idea. I was the first to graduate high school at the time, so I had to choose something right away. I decided to go into criminal justice in community college. Just for the first semester, I liked it, but to see myself as a police officer was a no. No one would take me seriously. I wanted to be a Detective, just like Olivia Benson. You know Law and Order; SVU.

Sweater/turtleneck was thrifted.

Eventually, I started to take business classes, in my second year of community college. I didn’t mind it. One class in particular was Business Management taught by Professor Richards. She was the reason, why I liked the class. Richards was a tough professor, she didn’t allow late assignments, unless you asked in advance, no redos on quizzes, and no lateness/absences. She was great. I was a bit intimidated by her, but it was an important class. I had to take her class twice, the first time I believe I got a D. Than the second time. I received an A. I was stoked! I normally, didn’t get As. My grades were a mixture of all letters.

I’m not perfect. I am only human. I would say to myself. I struggled a lot in school. As the oldest, I was expected to do great things. I felt pressured to do good in school. I also wanted that for myself, but somehow the materials wouldn’t stay in my brain when it came to exams. I would hardly pass or not pass at all. In some cases, I pass my exams, and it felt great. I got to say; I did better in English and History than Science and Math. To this day, I think to myself, is school for me? I still have my master’s to do. There are moments I say I don’t want to do my master’s, but then I think will I be the only one in my family without a master’s?

I am thinking of getting a degree in English. I like to write a lot and type here. I would like to have a job where I have the freedom to write whatever I want. I don’t have the perfect punctuation if you can’t tell by now. My spelling is iffy at times too. I started this blog a few years ago but didn’t get into it till now. I didn’t have a lot of inspiration back then.

I am house sitting for the week.

I hope to find my passion. I like a lot of things actually, but to find income. It’s hard for me. I want to be financially independent, and I really want to. But somehow, I can’t find a job within my profession. So I have gone back to retail. As much fun as it was, I don’t see myself there. I would like to work within a company in social media or writing about their service. Interact with people and just come and go to work. Have a secure and stable job position, I would love.

Writing a book would be fun for me. I thought of writing stories for kids and, hopefully, later on, writing a book about my life. Yeah, that would be a dream goal. What is a dream you have that you would like to accomplish? (use the comments section to answer.) I would love to hear from you. I always say we all have stories to share. Everyone would love to listen and learn from you, including me. That is why I started this blog. To write my thoughts and life.

Now, I leave you to think about your dreams. I hope to hear from you. If you have a page. Please tag it below. Would love to read it. Thanks for reading today’s post. See you again soon!

Follow me at my other social media platforms!

2 thoughts on “Today’s Thoughts of the Day.

  1. I often thought about writing a book about my life. I figured I would start with the goal to. put something on computer for just my kids and see where it gets me one day. I decided that five years ago. I This blog is the closest I ever came to. I wish you best of luck. I moved to a small town where local. haters used my blog against me and I have to remove so many of my posts. I hope it works out for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comment. Im sorry that happened to you. I also live in a small community, but I believe we all have stories to share. Unfortunately, there will be haters. I too, hope not to experience the hate. Please keep on writing! I would love to read about your life.


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