Brunch and Pink Trees

Hi reader, It’s always lovely to have you here. On another beautiful day, today is April 29th, 2022, at 2:10pm. I am still deciding if I should have a scheduled time to post on here or write any time of the day? What would you suggest? I guess having a scheduled time would be best. I will figure it out. Hopefully. What are your plans for today? I hope you take some time off of your busy day and relax, go have a drink or read a book. As of right now, I am typing on my computer and trying to remember what I did this morning. The sun is out, and spring has been showing itself more each day.

Today in the morning, I got up around 8:00 am. Kirby and Karlie’s mother left me a sheet of paper to follow their daily routine. I was the one to ask her, and she left it. I like to keep their routine going, even when their parents’ arent here. Their day starts around 7:00am, which is breakfast time. Before breakfast, I take them outside to relieve themselves and for some fresh air. I don’t think their parents won’t mind. They come inside, and I make their breakfast. Which is very simple to make. I had enough practice by now. They have a scope of hard food with a spoon of wet food. I have to add warm water for the hard food to soften so it’s easier to digest. I add their allergy pill to both their bowls. Kirby and Karlie like to have a pinch of shredded cheese on their food. That is that. Pretty simple. They eat very well.

My crewneck sweater says Princeton.
No, I don’t attend Princeton. I wish.

As I get older, I am learning to take care of myself and appreciate my body inside and out. Self-care is something I didn’t enjoy when I was younger. My appearance was not too important to me back then. Today I was able to take a long steamy shower. I love hot showers. Even something as minor as that, it goes a long way. After I got dressed, my stomach was hungry. Lol. I wasn’t in the mood to make myself something, so I went for a walk. Before I stopped for food. I found a nail shop that provides eyebrow waxing. I needed to do that. It cost me $13.00 for the European wax experience. It is basically a wax that helps lessen the pain. I tried it, and in fact, it didn’t hurt. Yay! I can handle a bit of pain, but I had to try it out. It was for the experience.

Brunch for today.

When that was taken care of, I walked inside a local bagel shop near the nail salon and placed an order. It wasn’t too busy when I got there. I ordered a whole wheat bread toasted with avocado spread and an egg on top. Seasoned, of course! As for my drink, I chose to have a Thai milk bubble tea. It’s been a while since I drank that. I sat down and took a moment to see the outside. It’s nice to sit down and admire the outside world. As of right now, I finished the bubble tea entirely, but the avocado toast, not yet. I am saving it for later when I am hungry again. Do you like that I add pictures on the side? I think it adds something to the page. I am a visual learner and prefer seeing things for me to better understand.

Pink trees.

On my way back to the house. I took a picture of these trees. Aren’t they beautiful? Ah, how amazing is nature? If you can’t tell by now, I add a bit of color to my pictures to bring out the beauty. I don’t go too crazy. These trees are planted in a playground park. At my parents’ house, they have a tree in the front of the house similar to these trees. We will have to rank the front for the next few months because the leaves start to fall, and it can get pretty crazy and full. It is 3:47 pm now, and Kirby and Karlie are sleeping on the couch. They are very well-behaved dogs. I plan on going on a walk with them later today. I have to put on pants though cause it’s still windy outside. I had shorts on today for the most part.

Even though today is a great day to go outside and shop or go out. I still have to find time to do my assignments for school. The only bad thing about it is that I procrastinate in starting it. I am sure I will at least finish one today. Tomorrow I won’t have time. I will be heading out to the city with my good friend Izabela! I hope you stay tuned for that. Mostly, the post will be later in the day. We leave around 4:00 pm. I will document as much as I can. Another thing you should know about me is I don’t go out as often. When I do, I like to have a good time. I will be having dinner with my parents today too. My dad said he will be making steak with rice and probably a side of salad or beans.

That is all I did in the morning and early afternoon. I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you liked it, please stay tuned for more. I plan on writing daily, but no promises. Sometimes life happens. I really enjoy writing on here. I leave you with this picture. Thanks for reading today’s daily blog. Peace and love!

Right now.

xx- Shalen R.

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