A Life-Changing Move.

Hello readers,

Recently I decided to move to Brooklyn. The last time I was writing on my blog it was in my hometown; as a 23-year-old, I have chosen to live on my own for at least a year. I have been wanting to experience living alone for a while now. I am also close by to my school, which is a few minutes away on the train. Living in Brooklyn is teaching me to be more independent. I have to cook for myself lunch to dinner. When I lived with my parents, I didn’t have to worry about breakfast or dinner. My mom would get up early in the morning. Around 5 am, I want to say. She is a champ, honestly. I could never wake up that early to cook for myself. She would make breakfast for us and dinner too. What a woman! I love my mom.

Just a few days ago, I went to a grocery store near me. It is very nice looking, and have reasonable prices that I have seen. NYC’s prices are insane, but I can’t complain too much. I live here, and I love it! Plus, it is only a few minutes away from walking distance. I moved in the last week of August. I live with three other girls. I was fortunate to find this apartment. Thanks to Alma, one of my roommates. She is the one that found it first, and we came after. I posted on a Facebook group that I was looking for a room/apartment. Alma reached out to me. She Is great. My roommates are great honestly, We respect each others space, and once in a while, I talk to them. Which sounds horrible, but I am not much of a talker. Sad. I am slowly changing it.

My Brooklyn room is very cozy.

Well, here is a picture of one side of my room. As you can see, I have my bed, my window and my vision board. I love it here. I feel like a responsible adult. I am just getting started. I didn’t have a bed frame, mattress, or even a pillow when I first moved in. It was like starting from 0. The first few days, I had to sleep on the floor. I luckily had two quilts. I used that the first few days. I later ordered my bed frame on Amazon and my mattress too. My dad helped me put it together. I love my dad. My mattress came days later. When it finally arrived, I got started decorating my bedroom. I bought my orange decorative pillow from HomeGoods. ( I’ve worked in HomeGoods, and I loved the people that I worked with. I miss them)

I am currently in my room, trying to remember my first few days here. It’s hard to think about because the first few days, I was homesick. As much as I loved starting this new chapter, I missed my family, our usual Peruvian dinners. Homemade by my amazing mother. AHH. I miss that to this day. Nothing compares with homemade cooking, especially our mothers. I missed seeing my siblings every day. I miss my hometown. My hometown is charming. I love my PC. I’ve been there since I was about five years old. From coming from a small town to a big city is life-changing. I don’t regret it. I have to say; this is my first big move. I hope someday you get to experience moving out too. It’s hard at first, but slowly you will start loving it.

I am balancing school and finding a part-time job at the moment. I am so blessed to be back in school. I agree, education is very important, but I don’t think it is needed to find a good job. It does help the person. My dream is to finish my education in business/finance and start my own business. I plan on being my own boss someday. Of what? I don’t know yet. I will get there. I know I will. With the love and support of my parents, I will do it. My parents are amazing people. They were always great. We all are changing for the better. That is amazing. Love can conquer anything. I am also in the process of starting a channel somewhere. I do use my Instagram to interact with friends and new people. I want to start a podcast. Will I start it? We will see.

Anyways, I will leave it here for today. Thanks for reading and remember to keep smiling. Everyday is a blessing.



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